Pillars of Hope--Clients First Staff Making A Difference!


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Our own Hope Enochs helped complete Pillars of Hope in East Texas.  The purpose of the project was to bring life and color to the area where several ministries serve the homeless population in Tyler, Texas. The project was spearheaded by Stephanie Vasso, and Enochs and Kerian Massey joined in late October with a partnership between TxDOT, the City of Tyler, and the Highway 80 Rescue Mission.  “I just noticed these columns, and they were so sterile, and yet there was so much beauty going on down here. So I just felt this calling to bring the beauty out into the columns,” Vasso said.

In total, six pillars were painted with the six themes of peace, love, joy, community, forgiveness, and hope. There was a separate artist responsible for each pillar, as well as the upper section connecting theBridge pillars. The art class at Highway 80 Rescue Mission painted the mosaic tiles on the bases.

“During the whole process there was just so much community involvement and we had just so many encouraging words all along the way,” Vasso added.

Enochs and Massey worked on the peace pillar.  Enochs, a humanitarian touched like others who have read the book, Same Kind of Different as Me, a salient, real-life account of homelessness, remarked, "It was an honor being a part of such talented people.  The artists and the community turned sterile, stark, ugliness into an outdoor living space that almost feels like a room, and most importantly conveys hope."

Clients First Texas honors Hope Enochs, and her passion to be an artist as well as a humanitarian activist.  Enochs serves Clients First as a Dynamics AX technical/ functional sales consultant.  To transform your business into a place of functioning beauty instead of silo-ed data piles that are as lifeless as grey concrete, contact us at 800.331.8382 or contact sales by email.

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