Knowing When To Shift To Cloud ERP


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Why Shift to Cloud ERP Sooner Rather Than Later? 

The Chinese Zodiac states that 2021 is the “Year of the Ox." The Ox is known as a strong animal and is referred to as "the good helper."  It's not surprising that the "technology astrological calendar” confirms that 2021 will be the “year of the cloud.” In the spirit of helping, we have implemented cloud ERP solutions for many companies over the years. The most obvious benefits are: superior flexibility, stability, scalability, lower up-front investments, lower operating costs, and instant access to applications and enterprise-grade infrastructure with single login entries. It was not too long ago that executives were worried about moving to the cloud. As cloud technology has evolved, the good news is that those concerns around data management and security have been addressed, thus encouraging a strong wave of cloud adoption. One key to success in making the shift to the cloud is choosing the right ERP partner and the right cloud ERP solution for YOUR business. Click below to register for our next webinar to learn more. 

Business Moving Forward

Looking back to years ago, prominent ERP researchers predicted that there would be significant changes within the IT market over the next few years, with an increasing number of companies embracing the shift to cloud ERP by 2020. Now it's 2021, and what should you do? Should you move to the cloud right now or wait a little longer?

For the most part, the U.S. is open for business again. Many business leaders are facing the same desire to improve their tech infrastructure, but are having to face a new reality--operating with reduced revenues. The good news is that does not mean they have to abandon these projects altogether.

Watch our last webinar: Real Cloud vs. Fake Cloud 


Why Move to the Cloud Now?

For a start-up, the choice to adopt cloud computing is an easy one. However, for established businesses with complex legacy or outdated ERP systems deployed on-premise, moving to the cloud is considerably more difficult. Adjusting the IT infrastructure, implementing new ERP software solutions, migrating data to the cloud, and training staff are just a few things that can make CEOs reluctant to move to the cloud.  Unfortunately, the on-premise solutions they’re currently using may no longer make economic or strategic sense. 

Migrating to the cloud doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing decision. The transition to the cloud can be customized according to the needs of each company. Though the scope and timing of the transition vary based on individual demands, now is the right time to make the move and embrace a cloud ERP solution. Here's why:

  • Cloud solutions deliver complete suites of features and capabilities – Adopting a cloud ERP solution as soon as possible means that your business does not have to settle for a new, modern system, which still lacks important functionality. The latest cloud applications are not only reliable, secure, and agile, they also deliver superior collaborative capabilities, in-context analytics, real-time updates, consumer-like user experiences, and everything else a company may need to remain competitive and pursue new growth opportunities.  
  • Cloud systems streamline and automate processes – An ERP solution deployed on the cloud can help simplify and standardize a series of operations, while supporting new business concepts, such as BYOD, BYOC, BYON, and BYOA. Allowing professionals to work outside of their offices will increase productivity, cut down on operating costs, accelerate individual performance, facilitate wiser use of resources, and attract bright millennial minds.
  • The cloud can take the pressure off your IT department – In cloud deployment models, the vendor will implement, configure, support, and maintain the system. This will reduce IT workload, which tends to be higher than ever before due to ever-growing database, performance, availability, and scalability requirements. Additionally, the vendor will train staff and manage security and compliance issues along with the location of corporate data.   

About Clients First 

Business software should increase productivity, improve profitability, and be easy for staff to use. Most of today’s ERP solutions are good at finance and have horizontal niches for distribution, manufacturing, maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) for aviation and heavy equipment. This makes searching for a software solution more about what the implementation partner can do to help you get the most out of the system. That is why Clients First is not a software company--we are a business solutions and services company.

Contact us today to learn more! Ask about our Partner Program for Acumatica Partners who are interested in our Acumatica add-on solutions.

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