The Best E-commerce Solution for Manufacturing


<span id=The Best E-commerce Solution for Manufacturing">

Manufacturing is not glamorized even though the industry's multiplier effect is greater than any other industry; for every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.81 is added to the economy.  Manufacturing as an industry is more complex, not only do manufacturer's have to continually innovate and market products to remain at the top of the competition, but they have to incorporate buying, process planning, research and development, quality control, project management, manufacturing execution, selling the product, and shipping and warehousing. Then finally customer support has to be infused into the mix.  With all these ingredients it is important to get a break somewhere. Clients First found a one platform ecommerce solution that even integrates with your ERP system, as such we call it the best ecommerce solution for manufacturing.

Clients First initially engaged with Dynamicweb at the Dynamics Summit, and instantly saw the value of the ISV for manufacturer's.  Dynamic web's one platform approach helps your company grow and optimize your online business.  

Discover why 12,000+ websites are hosted on Dynamicweb during our webinar.

Register To Begin A One Platform Transformation with Dynamicweb.

Date: June 6, 2017 

Time: 2 PM CST

Hurry, space is limited!


Dynamicweb helps manufacturing's marketing department by:

  • integrating your ERP's business logic, product data, ordering etc. creating a no data re-entry environment
  • providing self-service for customer reorders, returns and order history
  • helping you to expand globally with multi language, currency, payments and taxes
  • aiding in increased basket size and revenue with cross and up-selling
  • delivering your brand message effectively through different channels
  • generating leads from your website
  • easily updating and publishing content on the web or for mobile devices 
  • monitoring campaigns
  • using versions control inside campaign messaging
  • applying workflows so you can apply rules to approve content before publishing 
  • allowing your company to monetize services alongside your product
  • even wielding the ability to begin subscription delivery of your merchandise

The united approach of this ISV benefits your company in not only having ecommerce content management and email marketing in one platform; but it integrates with business systems, and optimizes operational costs by integrating your ecommerce and ERP like Dynamics AX or Dynamics 365

Dynamicweb more than a shopping cart


For more information about the integration between Dynamics 365 or Dynamics AX, we invite you to get in touch with our friendly advisers at Clients First Business Solutions. 

Email: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, or call at 877.428.7205.

Email: Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas , or call at 800.331.8382.

Tags: ISV

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