For SMB’s Who Outsource ACCTounting: Make Your Smartphones Work Together With NAV 2016



Dynamics NAV via smartphone image

Dynamics NAV 2016 role centers new functionality helps users who have outsourced their accounting service to allow the two parties to work more closely and together.

In the accounting services role center, the NAV team has added a couple of key tasks to a simplified role center that specifically supports using Microsoft Dynamics NAV with a smartphone.

On your phone you can do the following:

  • Sales Invoicing – Create and process sales invoices
  • Approvals – Approve requests from the accounting service provider
  • Document Capture – Take a photo of a receipt to automatically create an incoming document

The accounting services role center has a simple UI for phone users who need less functionality than offered with the small business role center allowing both accounting services and the small business role center the ability to work on the same version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV which can be used side-by-side without conflict.

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