Acumatica Cloud ERP Blog - Clients First Business Solutions

Acumatica Cloud ERP vs. NetSuite:  Integrations

Written by Nancy Phillippi | Feb 24, 2021 6:00:00 AM

What is the difference between NetSuite and Acumatica's integrations? 

This topic has come up in every sales deal that has had an integration requirement, specifically when a company is evaluating Acumatica Cloud ERP and NetSuite. NetSuite has integrations that are "out-of-the-box" with many different products using 3rd-party Connectors. This resonates with prospects and the impression is that since Acumatica doesn't have a bunch of Connectors somehow it is inferior and harder to integrate.  This could not be further from reality. 

Register for our upcoming webinar: Real Cloud vs. Fake Cloud 

  • November 11, 2021
  • 12 PM CT
  • Lunch will be provided by GrubHub
Click below to reserve your spot for a free lunch compliment of Clients First and Acumatica. 

Featured speaker:  Kent Richeson, Acumatica Partner Enablement



  • Fast FAQ's about us
  • Special promotions for companies running legacy on-premise ERP solutions
  • Real Cloud ERP vs. Fake Cloud ERP
  • How to recognize the difference
  • How fake cloud can impact your businesses future
  • The benefits of a real cloud ERP solution! 

Now let's get back to the blog topic...

How Do Acumatica Cloud ERP and NetSuite Integrations Compare?

Acumatica Cloud ERP does not need Connectors that will continue to cost you money year after year. Acumatica Cloud ERP easily interconnects to other Industry Standardized Cloud Native applications using web services, including SOAP and REST.  The Acumatica xRP platform was and is developed in cloud-enabled Microsoft development tools (people conversant in Microsoft Visual Studio consistently tell us that they were able to develop business logic extensions, integrations, and even full applications quickly with little or no training).  Ask your IT person about this platform and approach.

NetSuite developed the user interface, business logic, and NetLedger (now renamed Oracle NetSuite) in a proprietary language called SuiteScript. This propriety code language means that you have to use a developer or integrator that knows SuiteScript. This code is basically JavaScript, which is why there are so many pre-built integrations to NetSuite.  By the way, JavaScript is 25 years old. Many former NetSuite customers claim that finding someone who knows SuiteScript is extremely difficult.  This explains why there are so many pre-built integrations! 

Acumatica Cloud ERP has integrations for many business applications without the need for a third-party connector, including Adobe, Amazon Alexa, Avalara, BigCommerce, Box, FedEx, HubSpot Microsoft Flow, Microsoft Office365, Microsoft Power BI,, Shopify, Smartsheet, SPS Commerce, Tableau, TrueCommerce, and UPS. None of these integrations require a third-party company to provide a “connector” application to broker the integration.

Acumatica Cloud ERP customers have full access to Acumatica Cloud ERP’s API, including the ability to use REST and SOAP to do “push” and “pull” integrations with other applications using web services. Their partners, or their own IT teams, have created these integrations quickly using industry-standard methods.

The same third-party Connectors that NetSuite almost always has to use can also be used with Acumatica Cloud ERP - they just aren’t usually needed.

Next time we compete with NetSuite I'll have even more FACTS to share about the reality of integrations and the ongoing costs. If you are interested in an ERP solution that is on the Standardized Cloud Native platform, then reach out to Clients First.  

About Clients First 

Business software should increase productivity, improve profitability, and be easy for staff to use. Most of today’s ERP solutions are good at finance and have horizontal niches for distribution, manufacturing, maintenance, repair, and overhaul for aviation and heavy equipment. This makes searching for a software solution more about what the implementation partner can do to help you get the most out of the system. That is why Clients First is not a software company--we are a business solutions and services company.

Contact Clients First Business Solutions to learn more about the right ERP solution for your business to help you get the most ROI out of your 2021 budget.

Email: Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, or call us at 800.331.8382 

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3 Scenarios that Require a Partner vs. Direct Acumatica Implementation 

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