MRO Part Conditioning with RFID and ERP, PDQ!


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According to the article, “High-Memory RFID Delivering Results, but ERP Backbone Needed First” published by the Aviation Week Network, the advent of the RFID technology that makes it possible to store maintenance and repair data on high-memory RFID tags could bring obvious benefits to businesses across the entire MRO industry.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency with High-Memory RFID Tagging

The high-memory RFID technology has been especially developed to speed up time-consuming MRO operations in remote asset management. Allowing field technicians to access quick readings on all the inspections, maintenance, and repairs performed on different parts, this technology can save the companies operating within the MRO sector millions of dollars per year.

Currently, getting information on the components of an assembly often involves taking the equipment, machine, or vehicle out of service and checking each part separately. To assess the condition of each part, mechanics must analyze records, which is still largely a paper-based process in most organizations.

If we take an airline as an example, going through previous inspection and service records before performing the maintenance or repairs required is a time-consuming process that can result in flight delays, cancelations, and overbooking, with a negative impact on the airline’s bottom line and approval rating. In that regard, the high-memory RFID technology can be a real life buoy for the companies trying to stay afloat in today’s stormy MRO waters.

A critical but often overlooked aspect is the selection of an advanced aircraft MRO software solution able to support the latest RFID technology. Since there were no plans to add high-memory RFID functionality to obsolete ERP systems, the MROs currently using such systems in conjunction with modern RFID applications have reported a series of compatibility and reliability problems.

Though high-memory RFID technology has been developed to help users get accurate data on different parts and systems, obtaining precise information is possible only when advanced ERP solutions are used to collect and process data from RFID tags. To ensure the optimal utilization of data, the top ERP developers have started to focus on delivering new functionality that can support the high-memory RFID technology.

Some aircraft MRO software systems have already been enhanced with new features able to detect, access, and process data from high-memory RFID tags. As demonstrated by the case study below, one of best solutions available today is our ProMRO module especially developed for Dynamics AX.  

RAM Aircraft, a longtime Dynamics AX and ProMRO user, is one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of quality airplane products, ranging from overhauled engines, propellers and upgrade packages to modified parts for Lycoming, Continental, and Cessna. In addition, the company provides maintenance services for piston-engine aircrafts and has a great reputation for high-quality workmanship.

With Dynamics AX in conjunction with Clients First ProMRO module, RAM Aircraft technicians have spent less time gathering, processing, and analyzing information, coordinating MRO activities, and tracking tasks. As a result, they were able to focus more on finding the best solutions to a wide variety of challenges, such as performing MRO operations without having to take equipment out of service.

There's one conclusion we can draw from this case study: as long as the right aircraft MRO software solution is implemented with ERP strength, a company should be able to perform a wide variety of operations efficiently. As well, with RFID there is less need for risk assessment programs. It takes the guesswork out of planning for future repairs, upgrades, and replacements.

High-memory RFID tagging delivers a simple yet effective turnkey solution that can help transform the entire asset lifecycle management with minimum investment. To learn more about how Dynamic AX along with the ProMRO module coupled with high-memory RFID technology can help you manage assets more efficiently, we invite you to contact our Dallas/Fort Worth office for a demo at 800.331.8382 or email

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