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Biometric Authentication And The Future of ERP

Today, most organizations rely on passwords to secure their data. Passwords are used to protect company information including that of employees, networks and computer systems, emails, and bank accounts.

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Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration Vs. Upgrade: Which One Comes First?

Many organizations are moving their ERP applications to the cloud. The benefits of cloud delivery are clear: easier collaboration, low...

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The ROI of ERP: SaaS ERP vs. On-Premise ERP

Use of software-as-a-service (SaaS) is increasingly being adopted in customer relationship management (CRM). However, SaaS adoption in...

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Cloud Based vs On-Premise ERP

Cloud-Based vs On-Premise ERP: Which Is Right For You?

Choosing between cloud-based and on-premise ERP deployment methods has become a common issue in today’s business world. While on-premise...

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Future Of Cloud ERP

The Eight Trends Driving The Future Of Cloud ERP

With more organizations embracing cloud computing as the best way to deliver superior customer value at lower costs, things are changing...

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future of cloud ERP

Google Glass: Seeing The Future Of Cloud ERP

Manufacturing is one of the best industries for new technologies to be tested and deployed. Take Google Glass, for example. Delivering an...

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Mobile ERP Applications

Data Security: The Age of Mobile ERP Applications

A few weeks ago, Heartbleed – considered one of the worst security vulnerabilities in the history of the Internet – shook up the entire...

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