Streamline MRO Tech Data Entry for Real-Time Profitability Insights


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ProMRO is an innovative and robust set of modules that seamlessly integrates with Acumatica Cloud ERP. With its real-time data and intuitive shop floor app, ProMRO empowers our customers with instant access to job profitability insights.   

What is the ProMRO Shop Kiosk

This Internet-based Shop Kiosk or mobile app is specifically designed to streamline project and work order management within ProMRO. By utilizing the Kiosk, mechanics and technicians on the shop floor can easily track labor time, create corrective actions, and even order additional parts in real-time, all through one convenient platform. The Kiosk can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection, providing flexibility and accessibility to shop floor personnel.

To log into the Kiosk, shop personnel can either scan their employee badge or manually enter their number. From this screen, they have the option to scan the task card or enter the task ID number. Additionally, tasks can be searched using the provided button.  Once the task ID number or bar code is scanned/entered, the corresponding task will appear, automatically initiating the time entry for the job. By clicking into the task, various options become available, including creating corrective actions, non-routine tasks, parts requests, marking a task as complete, or suspending work temporarily.

Watch our Video Demonstration of The shop  Kiosk 


Non-routine Task Entry 

In cases where additional work or repairs are discovered during the completion of a routine task, a non-routine task can be created. These non-routine tasks are defects found during the normal repair scope and are related to the original work scope. Depending on business requirements, the non-routine task can be submitted as an estimate to the customer, approved by a manager, or both. To create a non-routine task, simply select the button, enter the necessary details, and save the task.

Parts Requests and Usage

To request or review parts and materials needed to complete a task, the parts request button can be selected. This section allows users to search inventory, add parts, and view the status of required inventory. By searching for a specific part number, the system automatically connects to Acumatica, providing information on the availability of the part. Users can then add the part to their request, specify the quantity needed, and set the priority level. This updates the item requirements within the work order in real-time.

Labor Entry 

Returning to the main screen, users can choose to mark a task as complete if all work has been finished, or stop work if they need to temporarily pause and resume at a later time. Marking a task as complete requires adding a corrective action statement, which will update the work order line by including the time spent and changing the status to supervisor approval, based on the workflow. This ensures that tasks cannot be updated if tools are checked out or if parts and materials have not been issued.

Approvals to invoicing

Once a task is complete and assigned to a supervisor, they have the ability to redirect the entry, change the status back to active, or update it to inspection. An inspector can then review the work and either reject it or mark it as inspection complete for invoicing.

Now doesn't that sound like an easy tool for your MRO techs and inspectors to use?  To get a live demonstration for your team by contacting us.  Call 800.331.8382 or email

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